
CINESTAR invites you to the 10th OSCAR REVIEW

CINESTAR invites you to the 10th OSCAR REVIEW
Of 30 January 9th February 11 Croatian cities only in CineStar cinemas can look at last year's best works of the seventh art's most prestigious film nominated for an Oscar.
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In all CineStar so you expect top 14 movies , first-run titles 12 YEARS OF SLAVERY ( even nominated for nine Academy Awards ) , AUGUST OSAGE in the district ( with Meryl Streep nominare for the main and Julia Roberts was nominated for Best Supporting Actress ) and the new hit Brothers Cohen IN THE HEAD LLEWYNA Davis who will fight for the Golden statuette in two categories . If you accidentally missed the Oscar show can be viewed masterpiece Alfonso Cuaron with 10 nominations gravity, Wolf of Wall Street , fantastic adventure The Hobbit : Smaug havoc , stealing of books , American hustlers , Captain Phillips , Jasmine French , How is saved Mr. Banks , Philomena , scientifically - fantasičnu drama She cartoon Bright kingdom .

For all the true film buffs CineStar has prepared a special package of six tickets at a promotional price of 180 kuna , which includes a code for a vote with which , if you hit the most correct Oscar winners , you can win :

- 10 tickets

- Wellness package

- Dinner for two

- An invitation to the gala premiere of the film 300 : The Rise of the Empire IMAX 3D , which will be held in early March at CineStar IMAX hall Arena Zagreb .

With the best movies are unavoidable and the best popcorn , which you can find in a special Oscar menu that includes a medium popcorn , soft drink 0.5 Does Oscar DVD as a gift for only 29,90 HRK .

Media Partners 10th Oscar shows are : RTL Television , 24sata , Antena Zagreb and CineStar Premiere TV channels where you expect a handful of additional in- formation and interviews from the films of this year's Academy Awards show. Premiere at CineStar TV 1 not miss some of the best of past winners of the Golden statuette every night at 20 pm .

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