CINESTAR invites you to the 10th OSCAR REVIEW
In all CineStar so you expect top 14 movies , first-run titles 12 YEARS OF SLAVERY ( even nominated for nine Academy Awards ) , AUGUST OSAGE in the district ( with Meryl Streep nominare for the main and Julia Roberts was nominated for Best Supporting Actress ) and the new hit Brothers Cohen IN THE HEAD LLEWYNA Davis who will fight for the Golden statuette in two categories . If you accidentally missed the Oscar show can be viewed masterpiece Alfonso Cuaron with 10 nominations gravity, Wolf of Wall Street , fantastic adventure The Hobbit : Smaug havoc , stealing of books , American hustlers , Captain Phillips , Jasmine French , How is saved Mr. Banks , Philomena , scientifically - fantasičnu drama She cartoon Bright kingdom .
For all the true film buffs CineStar has prepared a special package of six tickets at a promotional price of 180 kuna , which includes a code for a vote with which , if you hit the most correct Oscar winners , you can win :
- 10 tickets
- Wellness package
- Dinner for two
- An invitation to the gala premiere of the film 300 : The Rise of the Empire IMAX 3D , which will be held in early March at CineStar IMAX hall Arena Zagreb .
With the best movies are unavoidable and the best popcorn , which you can find in a special Oscar menu that includes a medium popcorn , soft drink 0.5 Does Oscar DVD as a gift for only 29,90 HRK .
Media Partners 10th Oscar shows are : RTL Television , 24sata , Antena Zagreb and CineStar Premiere TV channels where you expect a handful of additional in- formation and interviews from the films of this year's Academy Awards show. Premiere at CineStar TV 1 not miss some of the best of past winners of the Golden statuette every night at 20 pm .