
Miro Gavran's novel "How's Dad won Mom"

Miro Gavran's novel
Miro Gavran's novel "How's Dad won Mom" published by Mozaik knjiga these days in the tenth anniversary edition. Read what's the secret ...
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It is a story about a boy who can not endure the fact that his mother and father do not live together anymore, and with the help of girl who likes doing everything in order to win back his father to his mother. As usual in Gavran books, his young heroes are active entities that are critical to ask the adult world, and often with success allegations and their parents to change and take into account their requirements.

Raven talks about topics that are familiar and recognizable today's children in an attractive and suitable manner, therefore, not surprising that young people like to read it.

Acts Miro Gavran so far been translated into 35 languages​​, and his books have been published in more than 150 different editions at home and abroad.


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