Surges in tropical house Zoo in Zagreb
Ideas for weekend
Electric eel in Zagreb came from the private collection of a Slovenian aquarists . Its natural habitat of South America - Amazon and Orinoco basins . It inhabits muddy bottoms of rivers, streams and wetlands , and feeds on fish and invertebrates .
" Electric eel generates electricity for several reasons , in order to orient and locate prey in murky water , so no teeth in the upper jaw , and electric shock must stun prey and to incapacitate him . Electricity used for defense , "explains John Cizelj , curator of fishes , amphibians and reptiles in Zagreb Zoo .
" Our electric eel is a few years old and about a meter long . The animal is that it can grow up to two meters and 20 centimeters and weigh around 20 pounds . Life expectancy in nature is not known , but in the aquarium male can live up to 15 and even 22 years female . When in their natural habitat , the female in the dry season pass around 17,000 eggs from which hatch about two hundred thousand cubs , "says Constantinos and reveals how Zoo keepers at work with electric eel must carry electrical rubber gloves . In fact , for a man can be very dangerous . The strength of its electric shock can cause him serious injury . " Fortunately , not aggressive animals ," said Constantinos .
For electric eel arranged a special aquarium in tropical house , and visitors will be able to observe and monitor the strength of its current electrical discharge .
As a nocturnal animal that lives in muddy water , her eyes were stunted , and very good hearing because the ear is connected to the swim bladder which increases the vibrations that occur weak pulses of electricity of about 10 volts . It is an electric eel enough for orientation and search for prey . On the other hand, for hunting and defense can produce an electric shock of up to 650 volts , which is almost three times higher than the voltage at the socket. Electrical impulses are generated in the modified muscle cells from which they arise electric organs that take up much of her body. Electric eels have between five thousand and six thousand electric circuit board located in the rear of the organs of the body .
Name thanks elongated appearance , but it actually belongs to a group known as the South American fish knives and is akin to catfish than true eels . While locals like fish , electric eels they rarely found on the menu . The electrical shock can produce eight hours after death .